Fantage Peace Makers


Sunday, May 2, 2010


I know what you are thinking... What is a Fantage Peace Maker!?
Well i am going to tell you right now!
The owners of Peace on Fantage is organizing a group of members who go on Fantage and basically make peace! Do you guys remember Boogieramons group,Fantage spies? I was one of spies for Boogie. Since Fantage Spies is no longer in affect i decided to create Fantage Peace Makers. Recently on Fantage i have seen some acts of violence! Pople yelling at eachother, fighting, calling names, and it is just crazy! Of my 18 months of being on fantage, it was never like this.
There will be tyrouts (will let you know when, and what you have to do soon!) and if you are picked to be a Fantage Peace Maker you will go on to Fantage and try to stop anybody who you think are not acting how they should. From there we will get our team and find his/her avatar. If she can not be found we will have a watch list so Fantage Peace members can be aware.
More details coming soon!
Comment on what you think!


Sell Your Stickers, Furniture, and Homes!

Good afternoon, everybody!

Lucky Bob is hankerin’ for some new items to add to his lovely antique shop. Go over to Lucky Bob’s tomorrow to start sellin’ some of your stickers for Stars! Then, on Sunday, get ready to start sellin’ off your old homes and furniture items! Be careful though, Bob’s tricky Wheel of Chance can either give you the Jackpot or leave you with a wee less Stars in your pocket…

Go over to Bob’s to sell some of your stickers on Saturday!


Hello World!

Haiii! My name is Linda! And im the co-owner of this blog! The main owner of this blog is my friend lilari03! Hope we get this blog famous! LOL